Frequently asked questions

Most popular questions

We provide a fully functional demo site if you want to try things out. Please use “OrderSense®” as user name and “demonstration” as password.

Online buying behavior is changing & customers are buying more online. Having your own online shop at this stage is highly recommended to avoid future huge costs.

You don’t need to have internet or a computer on your shop, you don’t even need to be familiar with online stuff, all you need is sign up and start getting your own online shop managed by OrderSense®.

Yes, we can provide bulk discounts for accounts with 10 or more restaurants. Contact us for more information.

No Problem! we can integrate the our system with your existing website or if you want a new website. we would design a new branded site for you with no extra cost.

Yes – Please Click Live Demo to access our live ordering demo shop.

Getting Started

Your Restaurant’s own online ordering system Pride yourself with having your restaurant’s/takeaway’s personalized online ordering system. Say “no” to online food ordering portals and save £££s

Our GPRS supported order notification terminals monitored by our support staff ensure, your orders are notified with in one minute.

Our GPRS supported order notification terminals monitored by our support staff ensure, your orders are notified with in one minute

Creative Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing support to provide your business with latest advertising tools

Don’t worry! we have team to look after your online orders. Our order notification is 100% even when there are technical faults.

Yes, why not to build your own online brand and have another arm of your business which would go stronger with passage of time to capitalize on online market growth.

Turn that expense (high percentage paid to online ordering portals) in to an investment by getting your own online ordering system